"Ako Machismo" by Gossip GrR..

*Notice: This post was posted before in my Multiply account which I happened to deactivate.

They love him.
They despise him.

Is it his ego?

Is he unsatisfied?
Is he puzzled?

What's wrong with him?

In this entry, it's all about him. He likes that, anyway. He's even used to it. I don't know when he's gonna get sick of it, I reckon not.

Why do these people love him? I'm not talking about Raymond, but him. He got these decent schemes of making 'em. He's the uber-nice son, the good friend, the best at whichever he does and the loving boyfriend. He calls Monica every night. He composes these cheesy phrases for Jane to hear. He says to Vanny, "You're very interesting." He invites Emma to night outs. He's got 'em all falling into his design. Now, he and them are all celebrating. All at once. This ain't the happy ending, the story has just started.

Now that everyone's perfectly happy, out of the extremity, something must slip. This is when they start to despise him. Well, some may be tricked by his alibis... Except for someone who's writing this because of this male bitch. But I'm pretty sure those gullibles will hate him eventually. He's oh-so-busted but he just couldn't help turning the tables around - that's his forte, by the way. He is always right. He is always the maaan.

Being loved and hated gives him the feeling of ego. She tells her friends he's the one. One who makes her sway. One who makes her stained. He's the talk of the towns. Good thing Monica, Jane, Vanny and Emma are from different planets - which makes me wonder how he travelled from this place to another. He tells his Corinthian stories to his friends. Another round of applause for mister im-so-cooool, please.

He's got everything now. And no one's even giving him a hard time, literally. He's like the VIP of all places he goes. That lucky bastard. Monica has been pretty much the perfect girlfriend he can ever have; understanding, thoughtful, sacrificial... Same goes with Jane, Vanny and Emma -- but why is he looking for more?? Not just that, let me define "more". He just randomly pick any girl out there. I bet you're one of 'em too. When I say random, let's not mind the looks, the status or whatever. What's keeping him sooo unfulfilled?? He's like a monster slaying every prey he sees. He just monopolizes every girl's heart.

With all these blessings from I don't know whom but apparently not God, perhaps he'd be really fuddled. Or maybe he just doesn't know what he wants from the very beginning, which made him this kind of person that he is.. Does he have a choice? No one can resolve the enigma behind his eyes. He wouldn't let you. He likes it this way. Or, he as well couldn't figure himself out. Ugh, poor thing. 

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